Legal Paperwork
Only Ceremony

1. Complete the Contract

Please complete the contract by clicking on the button below. Kindly notify me once you have submitted the contract at 289.251.2350. This is to ensure I have received it. 

An invoice will be sent to you within 48 hours of the contract submission, however, you spot is reserved once the contract is sent.

2. Marriage License

Your marriage licence is only valid for 90 days. About 4 months before your wedding day, set yourself a reminder to make an appointment at any City Hall in Ontario to obtain the marriage licence. The day of your appointment you will receive an envelope which you will provide me on the wedding day. Please do not edit the licence in any way. To the best of my knowledge, this process is still requesting that one partner apply in person with the ID of both partners.

please enjoy the photo of our gorgeous space & be sure to read all the notes below

Liberty Village

Elegant Elopements

Paperwork only ceremonies take place at Carnaby Bespoke 135-171 East Liberty St.
The couple & their two witnesses are welcome for this 15 min booking.
Bring the Marriage License!


  • Paperwork only ceremonies take place at Carnaby Bespoke unit 135 171 East Liberty St.
  • Please arrive on time (as late charges will be enforced) with your two witnesses & the marriage licence.
  • Kindly factor in time for parking as well as navigating Toronto traffic.
  • There is green P parking to the west of the building. 
    Please enter through the tunnel located between the Tim Hortons & Bulk Barn. 
  • I will allow you entry 5 min before our scheduled time. 
  • The door is locked at all times.
  • You are not permitted to contact Carnaby's about our wedding or just stop in to see the place.
  • All communications for your wedding go through Francesca directly.